Are All Bicycle Tires Directional?

Bicycle tires are for rolling… But do they all have to roll in a certain direction? Here’s everything you need to know about the orientation of your tires.


Most bicycle tires are directional. When they are, they will have an arrow on the sidewall that tells you which way they should turn.

Pay attention to the direction of the arrow when you’re mounting a tire on your bicycle. If you mound the tire backwards, it will roll with greater resistance, break slower and with greater distance, and wear out faster.

Tires with one arrow:

In its simplest form, the arrow on the sidewall should look like this:


(Instead of “Rotation,” it could say “Direction.” There are also bike tires that just have arrows, with no wording at all.)

Tires with two arrows:

Some bicycle tires are intended to turn one way when mounted on the front and another when mounted on the back. In such a case, there will be two arrows pointing in opposite directions, one for rear and one for front mounting:

<— REAR | FRONT —>

This may seem absurd at first, but there’s a simple and logical explanation for it.

A tire that’s mounted on the front wheel should roll with minimal resistance and break quickly, after a short distance. The tire mounted on the rear wheel should grip the road and help you propel the bike by pedaling.

In other words, a tire that’s mounted on the front of a bicycle is subject to different forces than one mounted on the rear. The change in direction helps the tire perform its tasks depending on the wheel it’s mounted on.

When Tire Direction Matters

The obvious answer is that tire direction would only matter when it makes a difference.

Just like there are a wide variety of bikes, there are a wide variety of bike tires. While there are more subtleties, the biggest difference in bike tires is whether they have tread or not. The direction of the wheels only matters on bike tires with tread.

“Slick” tires that have no treads are meant for road bikes. They’re meat for dry, asphalt roads and have little to no use for treads. Such tires are made out of soft rubber designed for lateral grip and minimal rolling resistance. (For the same reasons, they puncture easily and wear out quickly.)

That said, some slick tire manufacturers will nevertheless put a directional arrow on to prevent confusion.

If that’s the case, does bike tire direction really matter?

Tire orientation on tires with treads will matter because almost all treads are directional. This means that they work best when facing one way versus the other. Manufacturers take this into account by optimizing the tread for a direction of movement.

Additionally, the two wheels on a bike serve two different purposes. The front wheel is for steering and braking while the back wheel is for propulsion. These two purposes, as we already touched on, put different demands on the tires.

So not only is orientation important but so is position. As we established, some tires will be oriented one way on the front and the opposite on the back.

Why Does Tire Orientation Matter?

Now that you know how and when to orient your tire treads, the question is why it matters.

Tire orientation affects numerous aspects of tire performance and behavior in subtle—but important—ways. If you mount your tires backwards, you will probably notice a difference in the first hour or so of riding.

Eventually, you will get used to the differences. (Whereas your tire won’t.)

The main reason why orientation matters is because the direction of the tread can either facilitate braking or propulsion, but it can’t do both.

This ties into why the orientation may be different for each wheel. Braking is benefitted by tread facing one way. On the other hand, propulsion is benefitted by tread facing the other way.

If you need more propulsion you can orient the tread on the front the same as the back. The opposite is true when you need to brake more.

However, tire orientation also matters because it can affect how long your tires last. If your bike’s tires are designed to rotate in a specific direction, changing it will cause wear and tear in places the manufacturer hasn’t accounted for.

Lastly, tire orientation matters because it can change the way your bike behaves. Changing the orientation can affect your speed, your breaking, and your cornering. On rough terrain, this can be the difference between taking a tough turn and sliding to a fall.

What If You Mounted Your Bike’s Tires the Wrong Way?

By now, you know that there is no right and wrong way for tires without treads, which can’t be said for tires with treads. You also know that some tires are meant to rotate the same way, no matter which wheel they’re mounted on, whereas others rotate in the opposite directions when mounted on the front and the rear.

What if you’re reading this “too late,” after mounting the tire the wrong way?

Unless you’ve ridden a few hundred miles this way and the treads on your tire are getting worn out, in which case the tire will start to slip in climbs and turns, it won’t make much difference.

Related: How Many Miles Do Bicycle Tires Last?

Just take the time to unmount the tire before your next ride and remount it in the right direction. The reality is that it won’t do damage to the rim, braking system, or fork on most bicycles, especially for commuting and recreation.

Some cyclists are concerned about hydroplaning, but that shouldn’t be a concern at all. While hydroplaning—going over a puddle at high speed and losing control—is a real hazard with cars, trucks, and heavy machinery, it isn’t an issue at all with bicycles.

As the late and great Sheldon Brown explained, bicycle tires are narrow, inflate to high pressure, and have curved contact with the road. Even at high speed, it’s virtually impossible for bike tires to hydroplane.

Final Words

Road bike slicks have no tread, so it doesn’t matter which way they’re mounted. However, almost all other types of bike tires do. And not mounting them the right way can lead to rolling resistance and more slippage when you need effortless roll and good grip the most.

When in doubt, take a peak at the sidewall and look for the arrow (or arrows). Manufacturers these days make it easy to find out which way to mount a tire, on the front and rear wheel.

By Dim Nikov

City dweller. Recreational cyclist with a knack for writing. Always trying to find the right balance between life and bike.